Mudlark A-Notes

In Mudlark poetry is free. Our authors give us their work and we, in turn, give it to our readers. What is the coin of poetry’s realm? Poetry is a gift economy. One of the things we can do at Mudlark to “pay” our authors for their work is point to it here and there, wherever else it is. We can tell our readers how to find it, how to subscribe to it, and how to buy it... if it is for sale.

Joe Ahearn
M. Shahid Alam
Carol Alexander
Sherman Alexie
John Allman
David Alpaugh
Idris Anderson
Arlene Ang
Valerie Anthony
Louis Armand
Glen Armstrong
Lisa Badner
John Wall Barger
Michael Baron
Laurel Bastian
Claire Bateman
Daniel Becker
Jayne Benjulian
Martin Bennett
Roy Bentley
Sean Bentley
Stephen Benz
Pam Bernard
James Bertolino
Stephen Bett
Tony Beyer
Manash Bhattacharjee
Camille Bloomfield
Stephen Todd Booker
Anita K. Boyle
Timothy Bradford
John Brennen
Nicole Broadhurst
Van K. Brock
James Brook
Philip Brooks
Kurt Brown
Brad Buchanan
Stephen Bunch
Beverly Burch
Ralph Burns
Sue D. Burton
Michael Cadnum
John Paul Calavitta
Abby Caplin
Jenna Cardinale
Gladys Justin Carr
Richard Carr
Christopher Cessac
Mike Chasar
Steve Chinna
Catherine Cleary
Brian Clements
Stephen Cloud
Thomas Cochran
Christopher Cokinos
Katharine Coles
Anne Colwell
Matthew Cooperman
Todd Copeland
Robert Cording
Rachel Crawford
Tim Cumming
Mark Cunningham
Garin Cycholl
Laura Da’
Ruth Daigon
Catherine Daly
Jim Daniels
Kristina Marie Darling
Pamela Davis
Jacques Debrot
Mark DeCarteret
Diane DeCillis
Gabriel DeCrease
Risa Denenberg
Timothy DeJong
Drew Dillhunt
Liz Dolan
Patrick Donnelly
Ronald Donn
Karen Donovan
Mark Edmund Doten
Lindsay Doukopoulos
Mark Dow
Frances Driscoll
Gary Duehr
Denise Duhamel
Rebecca Dunham
David Edelman
R. Virgil Ellis
Shelley Ettinger
Chad Faries
Arvilla Fee
Clifford Paul Fetters
Molly Fisk
Deborah Flanagan
Gerald Fleming
Kelly Fordon
Jon Fotch
Rebecca Foust
Donna Frazier
Charles Freeland
Emily Kendal Frey
Jeff Friedman
Stuart Friebert
Robert Garlitz
Anne Germanacos
Christien Gholson
Carole Giangrande
R. D. Girard
Janlori Goldman
Henry Gould
Lea Graham
Taylor Graham
Carrie Green
Robert Gregory
Sarah Gridley
Claudia K. Grinnell
Michael Grinthal
Carol Guess
Piotr Gwiazda
Ken Haas
Meredith Davies Hadaway
Paul Hamill
Kallima Hamilton
Brenda Hammack
Edward Harkness
Joseph Harrington
Judith Harris
Christine Hartzler
Finn Harvor
Shadab Zeest Hashmi
Mary Hawley
William Heath
Roger W. Hecht
Michael Hettich
Leonore Hildebrandt
Morgan Hobbs
Tiff Holland
Judy Huddleston
T. R. Hummer
Clifford Hunt
Robin Leslie Jacobson
Peter Johnson
Allen Jones
Christina Kallery
Alan Kaufman
Tim Keane
Scott Keeney
Susan Kelly-DeWitt
David Keplinger
Jesse Lee Kercheval
Dore Kiesselbach
Annie Kim
John Kinsella
Stephen Knauth
Lynne Knight
David Kirby
Stephen Knauth

Lynne Knight
Kip Knott
Sarah Koenig
Kim Peter Kovac
Marty Krasney
Len Krisak
Rachel Kubie
Erin Lambert
Susanna Lang
Ted Lardner
Sarah Law
Anthony Lawrence
Mercedes Lawry
Peter Leight
Donald Levering
Lenny Lianne
Nina Lindsay
Stuart Lishan
Jeffrey Little
Christopher Locke
Mara Rosa Lojo
Rupert Loydell
Sheryl Luna
Kate Lutzner
Laurin Becker Macios
Shqipe Malushi
Barbara March
Peter Marcus
Jack Martin
Stephen Massimilla
Dan Masterson
Christopher Todd Matthews
Clay Matthews
Frances Ruhlen McConnel
Laura McCullough
Walt McDonald
James McKee
Jane Medved
Michael Milburn
Joe Millar
Errol Miller
Mark J. Mitchell
Roger Mitchell
Jenny Molberg
Nathaniel Vincent Mohatt
Christopher Munde
Luisa Muradyan
Bryan Murphy
Peter Murphy
Sheila E. Murphy
Michael Neff
Rayne O’Brian
Mike O’Connor
Laurence O’Dwyer
Dzvinia Orlowsky
Aza Pace
Amy Pence
Simon Perchik
Josef Pesch
Paulann Petersen
Frederick Pollack
Derek Pollard
Estill Pollock
Aaron Poochigian
Diane Raptosh
Francis Raven
Shann Ray
William Reichard
James Reidel
Stephen Reilly
Oliver Rice
Nick Ripatrazone
Lily Robert-Foley
Hoyt Rogers
Aidan Rooney
Fernand Roqueplan
Laura Sobbott Ross
Matthew Rossi
Michael Rothenberg
Kelly Rowe
Michael Ruby
Philip Rush
Tracy Ryan
David Sahner
Michael Salcman
James Sallis
Brett Alan Sanders
Mia Sara
Ralph James Savarese
Virginia Schaefer
Andrew Schelling
Kryssa Schemmerling
Laura Schulkind
Maureen Seaton
Chris Semansky
Rochelle Jewel Shapiro
Neil Shepard
Kenneth Sherwood
Jesse Shipway
Jacqueline Hughes Simon
Marco Simonelli
Anis Shivani
Virginia Slachman
Mike Smith
Robert Lavett Smith
Spencer Smith
J.R. Solonche
Barry Spacks
Steven D. Stark
Lorna Stevens
Sarah Stickney
Samn Stockwell
Meredith Stricker
Tim Suermondt
Marcela Sulak
Pamela L. Sumners
Brian Swann
Robert Sward
David Swoyer
Adam Tavel
Dawn Tefft
Qian Xi Teng
Robert Thomas
Francine Marie Tolf
Alison Townsend
Michael Tyrell
Rimas Uzgiris
John Valentine
Sally Van Doren
Richard von Sturmer
Marc Vincenz
Jeanne Wagner
Diane Wald
Peter Waldor
Jason Waldrop
Will Walker
Ellen Welcker
Danna Molly Weiss
William Welch
Donald Wellman
Sarah Wetzel
J.P. White
Helen Wickes
Jess Williard
Megan Williams
Jennifer Willoughby
Andrew Wilson
Ian Randall Wilson
Marjory Woodfield
Theodore Worozbyt
Greg Wrenn
Robert Wrigley
Arnie Yasinski
Jane Yolen
Alexandra Yurkovsky
Mary Zeppa
Issam Zineh
Martha Zweig

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