Meredith Stricker is a visual artist and poet working in cross-genre media. She is the author of Tenderness Shore which received the National Poetry Series Award (2003); Alphabet Theater, a collection of mixed-media performance poetry from Wesleyan University Press (2003); and Mistake selected by Rosmarie Waldrop for Caketrain Press in 2012. She was awarded The Iowa Review Poetry Prize for 2013, and her work was chosen as a Distinguished Entry in 2013 for the Campbell Corner Prize at Sarah Lawrence. Her poetry and mixed media work have appeared in Conjunctions, VOLT, The Volta, The Iowa Review, Epoch, Drunken Boat, Ploughshares, Five Fingers Review, and elsewhere. She has mixed media work in the current Web Conjunctions and a new sequence of poems, “Hazardous Materials,” in The Iowa Review.

Stricker works in visual poetry collaborative, a studio that focuses on architecture in Big Sur and projects to bring together artists, writers, musicians and experimental forms.
