Jeffrey Little: “Delaware is a strange place. Thirty miles wide. A population of, what, sixteen people? Still, it’s full of stories. Sad but apocryphal tales of Edgar Allan Poe roaming the streets of Newark. Or, a mythical Godzilla of a turtle that lives in the bubbling waters of Lums Pond. The sad tale of vibraphonist Lem Winchester. The sad tale of trumpeter Clifford Brown. At least I got to read poetry accompanied by the alto saxophonist Harry Spencer, who played on Sun Ra’s masterpiece, The Magic City. That wasn’t sad. That was a pretty great day. But Harry’s gone now, as well. And Harry the Barber, too. But our kids were both born in Wilmington. That was really great. All in all, we’ve had a good run here. It’s taken a while, but I’ve come to consider this place home, and my poems, well, I guess they’re Delaware poems. Books include The Hotel Sterno, The Book of Arcana, Five and Dime, as well as a number of Mudlarks. I am also supposed to mention that I am a 2001 recipient of an Established Poetry Grant from this strange State of Delaware, this state of sixteen people that is all of thirty miles wide.”

Jeffrey Little Mudlarks: Esoterica in the Slipstream: This Other Way of Rain, Chap No. 77 (2024); (set another course again), Chap No. 70 (2021); Counting to Zero and Versus, Flash No. 136 (2020); The Secret Life of Nouns, Poster No. 154 (2018); Is Nature is as a Sound is as Zero is as the Hook Dog Blues, Chap No. 47 (2012); Biography As In Syntax: The Babble Poems, Chap No. 22 (2003); and crayola in arcana, Chap No. 15 (2000).
