The Living Dead Woman Discovers “Quoz”

which is a word despite who knows
etymology :: who doesn’t :: what she
thought yesterday is obsolete  
as cursive :: the long s ⟨ſ ⟩ flown ::

she likes a quill-nub smudge ::
a bug to interrupt etcetera :: 
she wingdings past ephemera ::
misquoting shakespeare :: rubs 

foreplay against synecdoche :: 
a fool could paraphrase more 
lucidly (and fecklessly) than core 
curricula :: or gpt ::  if poetry

is deader now than history :: why
not be born-again :: in wiki 

Image of Living Dead Woman - Quoz in Mudlark Poster No. 211 (2024)

The Living Dead Woman Feels Worm
The Living Dead Woman Sonnets