Heat Rises
He said maybe if she wore more makeup
less makeup a lift-up bra a red dress
got a lift a tuck an implant
got hot got fucked
then maybe he said maybe he could
but even then he might be too aware
of the limits & here
he drew a line between them
that could have been a wall
or the outline of a coffin
by then she had started to cry
not out of weakness
but rage that he could hold himself
so apart & think of her
as something needing work
like an old house or bed
or the poem she kept writing
called “Heat” where what she wanted
to say kept coming out wrong
because she was trying to ignore
the truth that even if they were skeletal
he’d still be making her over
so one morning when he woke
& reached for her she rose like heat
beyond his reach
Lynne Knight | The Invisible
Contents | Mudlark No. 62 (2017)