Monkey Boy's In-Class English Theme:
Greaser Angel and a Desperado Heart;
Monkey Boy Tries to Forget Felicia

"It's like, my brain explodes in this page whiteness,
So like I turn in: '... Hunters in bungalow walls, in vice
Principal's hassle down passless hallways; "Worthless,"
He points at me, this power man in lullaby voice...

And then there's Coach; Coach! Aargh! Hate him!...

Lunch time — wolf bark-lockers slam;... "He gets crazier";
Felicia points from her slum of friends — now home
Is Angel sucking me in his Olds cruiser,
Like disappear, like in, in a forest:

Moonlit sounds — hoot owl, wind, mole,
Touch of waterfall mist; finally, rest...

Now coach and Narcs — "Bang!" — banging on the window;
Wolves bark from the halls of trees; I think, "Hide!";
Fences everywhere, bells, bloody clangs; in my head...'"

Stuart Lishan | Mudlark No. 16
Contents | Angel's Passion