87 His Pen Pal's Alias
Well I was roamin like a soldier through upside town
with my poignard compagnard just give her the slip
rollin bombed under my part-nobler macintosh right on
Professor I dont mean nothin officer (your garbage-ship)Anyways I felt kinda nappy lowering the boom yon gypsy
crawlers good enough for a snow drudge I seize her
by her cop-colored copycat hair do I see
I dont mean no harm you get my drift Marie Graysmy loverstrangler no weekend-steamin jailbird time for me
To go on puke-mulin please I says to her--what your name?
Suspect she was pullin my knife says --Alienavel (whee!)
Nostrowoman or somethin-- Yeah! what kinda clam?Claim she serve a years line-up time less one a thief man
I tell you mistaken i.d. No! believe me! I just ran!
Henry Gould | Island Road 88-89
Contents | Mudlark No. 6