84 Henry's 13th Forward Violet Recital
...from age to age.
I will be sing-song sowing one thing now's
though cunning winds don'ts augur very well
for corporate gondolas or rust-fed plows
in a waiter's world... & yet one rose from hellclimbs up the podium--one pied-palm scrawl
centers yourn yon maple syruppity Milky Way:
aye there was a kindly man, whose whole
wheat handshakes put us in the black today.It's raining Newport stars... a couple--Big Bear
& Little Bear-- & one to navigate &
circle up stray astral flocks--that yet prepare
height's thronging dogwood crown-- inaugurateone sober nostos unison of splintered strife
fled sea-grave prisms grant transhuman life.1.20.97
Henry Gould | Island Road 85
Contents | Mudlark No. 6