66 Pussycat's Daydream
The sun turned black, & day was turned to night,
a hurricane sank all the gondolas,
it rained until it reached skyscraper height
& reeking wires crosstown blacked out, alas!Three leopards-- Lust, & Jealousy, & Time--
were stalking down my allegorical streets
when suddenly, a windy coracle--lambs,
birds--climbed up, as if propelled with sweetmouthfuls of air--& dangled like a tent
above spiracular ripples-- (one leaf, two
broke off) an island --shimmering, distant--
drifting in that haze... & it was you,Atlantis, rose-- full sail, a-whirl--green Dipper!
--clinching New Time! (machinery began to purr)...
Henry Gould | Island Road 67
Contents | Mudlark No. 6