Gerald Fleming

Gerald Fleming's poems have appeared in The Americas Review, Five Fingers Review, Indiana Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, New Letters, Pequod, Poet Lore, Poetry Now, and Puerto del Sol among other places. He is editor of Barnabe Mountain Review, an annual literary magazine, published in December of each year. (Number One appeared in December 1995.) He has this to say about it: "Only five issues will be published, in a press run of exactly five hundred copies per issue. Perfect-bound, four-color cover, 200 pp., acid-free paper; half devoted to writers of notoriety, half to writers worthy of note. Poetry, prose poems, contemporary translations, short stories, essays (bright, unpedantic), open forms, lit crit if heavy on textual exposition/light on fustian. Seeking work of directness, presence, passion." Subscriptions are $10. Submissions are read from February through June of each year. Subscriptions, correspondence and submissions should be sent to:

Barnabe Mountain Review
Box 529
Lagunitas, California
USA 94938

Contents | Mudlark No. 3