
The Amish farmer dreams in Low German

His hat sprouts chicken legs, bolting
Zigzag through corn stubble, and he calls to the hat
To come home, to the hatstand in the hall 

In his dream, he nestles the hat, the soft brim 
Brushed clean, the chicken legs after all 
Just a dream, a moment 
Of fretful sleep 

His soothing diphthongs soft as a Goethe couplet

Picasso’s women

Splinter faces, breakglass spirits dissolving colour by colour 
Into sumptuous contours 

Pubic errata filleted, as though 

Animals in folded realities borrow faces from humans, bloom
With names, rough cut gems
Spoken in monologues preserved in linseed cages

Speaking now the way dreadful dreams 
Direct the lightning 

Monks keeping bees return to vaulted stone, syncing 
Doggerel harmonies to hive work, commonalities of heaven 
Excavated by choirs of haunted priests

Conjured worlds disappear, freakish authenticity 
Of collapsing space-time, edgy
Confessional debris

Restless turning in bed, monstrous monotony impatient 
For light’s armistice 

Fern unfurling, impresario flourishes 
Reliable as rain, my factory-parts poems, clockwork worlds, sprung 
Rhythm scandals, no 
Match for showboat tuck and roll

Labyrinthine engineering, fascist enzymes embedded
In new laws against asylum and the Global South
Crazy for our metropolitan ennui

The heating pipes knocking 
In the night, rootless echo orphan dreams 

The smokeless fuel of alimony, the car you used
To move the body, the cocktail hour piano

Everybody missing the good old days

Fetch synonyms for cloudbursts on the day of your funeral

The smell of damp soil
Down to the level of the Roman causeway, the grit 
Of archaeology between the teeth

Fetch the secret names of the gods, fetch the clock
On the wall of the abattoir

Memory, hothouse flower, shiny leaves swabbed
For phantom residues, discreet, fleshy firework disguising 

Rhetoric easy as civilian casualties, bright as fires of drone strikes 
On the crèche 

Jigsaw borders pulped to fit the continental drift of loyalties
And trembling stamen in the breeding labs

The song in the barbed throat ratcheting patriots 

A postage stamp demands fealty 

Mysterious liaisons, the dimensions of the room in your dreams, all
Under notice of ransom

What your wife saw in the shadows the day before your death 

To the authorities, her careful copperplate version, anon

Ceremonies of guitars, distracting
From gangster governments banning sundials 

The subversion of timelines for curfews 
And ballots bought with blood

Asymmetrical genders, semen patents 
And the sequencing of future tenses, a woman dancing 
In guitar-shaped shadows

A fountain of dolphins, stilled in stone, at mouth holes copper
Tendrils marking intervals of minuet spray 

Valves and timers somewhere, fan-burst pumps, old 
Calculations, rainbow mist
Earning its keep

Fretwork pylons ridge to ridge, umbilical 
To wind farms anchored offshore

White horse breakers against ingot turbines 

The moon’s arcade, beyond the porch light 
The smell of mown hay

Eurasian Spoonbills in reedy fens, homesick
For the Netherlands

The breeding urge hardwired as far
As these sleepy
Norfolk wetlands

Binoculars reel them in, migrations
Of estuary instincts, most others
Gone south
For winter, yet these 
Off course, preferring early fogs to the Côte d'Azur’s balmy 

If this was a real poem, we would pump our
Pedal organ as bonhomie exemplar 
To these windward brethren

The body, heavy with sleep, fixed in positions 
Wound round with dreams

A bowl of Bohemian glass strung by chains
From an ornate ceiling, the light
Caught in fleeting madder and ultramarine and the chilled air
From the open window 

An enchanted ladder, a magic lantern, boundaries 
Tested by a dawn that will not break
Beyond this convalescence 

A mouth dry with crows, a woman
Running down a path soaked with rain, a fever dream, cold-sweat flesh 
Shining in the half light

My mother, her voice low, to the doctor whispering
Will he live

A scene discarded by Dickens

People tapping barometers, rehearsing 
The disciplines of rain and heat 

Weather teased from dry straw stalks, storms
Stirring to the whims of mercury, lightning hung from black 
Horizons like clematis on the trellis

Images, common as summer showers 

Subtlety, however, requires finesse, a leisurely digression
On climates, soliciting 
Future trends

In the novel 
Of manners, for instance, the day the master of the house first notices 
The svelte au-pair 

Cloth remnants knotted
Into flower shapes, popular with court ladies

His luminescent dyes a secret coveted by rivals

His potion palette, scratched into a scroll
Looted at his death, neglected the catalyst binding light
To light

Known only to his daughter, her pet name translated as
A sprig of tarragon

Glum as a nightcap, as Proust would say

And then the text, the letter, the loophole in love
Or law, lost hope
Recovered like a flower
Thought extinct

Along the bramble lane the scent
And clown chromatics tucked
Among plainer petals

The souls of the dead, held
In trees, stones, manifesting when a stranger
Passes, the dead calling 
By name
To be released

From material objects, from low animal forms
Trembling awake, the pilgrim recognition

Estil Pollock | Local Spirits
Contents | Mudlark No. 80 (2024)