each child a sparrow on the mountain attended by ghostpipe and yellowjackets each woman cherished by her children each father beloved nagasaki hiroshima new york city everywhere burning occurs along the 10th parallel the christo-islam nightdays war of nigeria the sudan somalia indonesia malaysia the philippines at ground zero o land water oil love o windbird she said o wounds of God command us not to be afraid remember we are the least of these for everywhere the mature atheist believer understands kindness while the hard believer atheist has contempt and below contempt cruelty each atheist believer i we each dead but alive for beauty is wellbeing crux cruces coeur corpus the soul o Anima Christi with plain old parricide infanticide in our pockets o death hang and body kiss iv.5 —for Makoto Fujimura and Eliza Griswold
Shann Ray | Atomic Theory 432, iv.6 Contents | Mudlark No. 64 (2018)