Mudlark No. 64 (2018)

we abandoned our children in northern europe
in order to advance our own lives but it backfired due to
corrosive acids alkalis injuries simple grievous
or due to electricity radioactivity gasses and hyperbolic force 

abandonment is not of God
wombing is o intimate wombing
the silvertip grizzly just below the rocky mountain front
wandering the fens in his near 900 pound body the circumference
of his neck four feet around o God
before i met my wife I knew abandonment
for what it was suicide max born said we can’t control knowledge
there are absolute limits obscuring knowledge cloaking health or
homicide the abandonment where physical and metaphysical
meet entombing our children for generations 


Shann Ray | Atomic Theory 432, iii.6
Contents | Mudlark No. 64 (2018)