Mudlark No. 53 (2014)


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Dunkle Deutung des Wassers: Stirne im Mund der Nacht,
Seufzend in schwarzen Kissen des Menschen rosiger Schatten,
Röte des Herbstes, das Rauschen des Ahorns im alten Park,
Kammerkonzerte, die auf verfallenen Treppen verklingen.

Der schwarze Kot, der von den Dächern rinnt.
Ein röter Finger taucht in deine Stirne
In die Mansarde sinken blaue Firne,
Die Liebender erstorbene Spiegel sind.



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Dark reading of the water: a forehead in the mouth of the night,
The pink shadow of a person sighing into black pillows,
Redness of autumn, the rustling of maples in the old park,
Chamber concerts, which fade upon a collapsing flight of stairs.

The black filth, which trickles from the rooftops.
A red finger plunges into your forehead
In the attic room blue glaciers descend,
Which are slowly dying mirrors of lovers.

Note: This fragment belongs to an unfinished cycle written at the request of Trakl’s friend and editor Erhard Buschbeck in January 1913. The first stanza is missing. Line 7, glaciers (Firne), see note to “Deliruim.”



Der schwarze Schnee, der von den Dächern rinnt;
Ein roter Finger taucht in deine Stirne
Ins kahle Zimmer sinken blaue Firne,
Die Liebender erstorbene Spiegel sind.
In schwere Stücke bricht das Haupt und sinnt
Den Schatten nach im Spiegel blauer Firne,
Dem kalten Lächeln einer toten Dirne.
In Nelkendüften weint der Abendwind.


The black snow, that trickles from the rooftops;
A red finger plunges into your forehead,
In the bare room the blue glaciers descend,
Which are slowly dying mirrors of lovers.
In heavy slabs the head breaks and contemplates
The shadows inside the glass of blue glaciers,
The cold smile of a dead prostitute.
The evening wind weeps in clouds of carnations.

Notes: line 3: firn, old snow, as found on mountain glaciers, whose layers take on the color of blue sky.

James Reidel | Am Rand eines alten Brunnens > At the Edge of an Old Fountain
Contents | Mudlark No. 53 (2014)